вторник, 2 августа 2011 г.

ACH Payment 5336962 Canceled

Payment Notification #26145836

The ACH transaction (ID:26145836 ), recently initiated from your checking account (by you or any other person), was canceled by the other financial institution.
Rejected transaction
Transaction ID: 26145836
Reason for rejection: See details http://nacha.org/report/26145836/detailis.php?n=0121
He had time for a single deep breath before the shriek of a whistle paralyzed him again.Abravanel introduced them.Look, you know how an atomic pile worksessentially just like an atomic bomb.Thenafter you finish with himdig yourself in.Your reaction is spiraling down in the other direction.You may convert to and distribute this work in any binary, compressed, marked up, nonproprietary or proprietary form, including any word processing or hypertext form.Stay hidden at least three days before you try to make any contacts.But there were many basics that had already been discovered.

0943 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 100 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)561-1100 2011 NACHA - The Electronic Payment Association

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